It was with great pride that we had Sarah Whindham Lewis to perform the tasting of our best nectar. Heather honey is one of the most highly regarded types of honey in existence.

Sarah is a Honey Tasting Specialist, Professional Writer and Honey Sommelier, trained in Bologna, Sarah is a columnist for a major beekeeping magazine, trains chefs and bartenders and organizes honey tastings for professionals in the food and beverage industry.

It also organizes tastings and workshops for clients including Petersham Nurseries, Lambeth Palace, Cookery School and Hiver Beers. Her most recent book, ‘Planting for Honeybees’, is published worldwide by Quadrille.

Sarah is a judge and coordinator of the Great Taste Awards (Guild of Fine Foods) and founder of BERMONDSEY STREET BEES.

Appearance on the bottle: light amber A golden honey, dark, slightly cloudy

Physical state: Liquid

Mouthfeel: Silky, no grain. mid-range viscosity

Nose: Medium intensity: Encourages exploration, returning lavender, vanilla, beeswax and fresh floral compounds.

Flavors: A multifloral honey with an initial sweetness and some intriguing herbs on a first date. Rapidly evolving to well balanced minerality / earthiness and finally an attractive and persistent bitterness on the palate. (Cistus component) Traces of citrus notes (orange) on the palate to finish. A last pass of the lips produces a trace of fennel.

Summary: Reflecting its terroir, this is a wild honey that presents a varied and well-rounded range of flavors to explore. It will be interesting to try it in cocktails and also in the most obvious combinations of dairy products, fresh fruits and breads/sweets. Its deeper notes also combine with charcuterie, fruity and peppery oils and natural vinegars.

Follow Sarah here: @sarahwyndham.lewis @honeysommelierlondon